High voltage circuit breakers
High-voltage circuit breaker (or high-voltage switch) it can not only cut or close the high-voltage circuit no-load current and load current, but also when the system fault occurs through the role of relay protection device, cut off the overload current and short-circuit current, it has a fairly complete arc extinguishing structure and sufficient current breaking capacity, can be divided into: oil circuit breaker (multi-oil circuit breaker, less oil circuit breaker), sulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker (SF6 circuit breaker), compressed air circuit breaker, vacuum circuit breaker, etc.
To ensure the safety of high-voltage appliances in normal operation, maintenance, short-circuit and overvoltage situations, high-voltage appliances should be selected according to the following conditions.
① Select according to normal operating conditions including voltage, current, frequency, mechanical load, etc.
② Select according to short circuit conditions including short time withstand current, peak withstand current, closing and opening current, etc.
③ Selection according to environmental conditions including temperature, humidity, altitude, earthquake, etc.
④ Selection according to overvoltage withstand capability including insulation level.
⑤ Selection according to the different characteristics of various types of high-voltage appliances, including the operating performance of switches, the protection characteristics of fuses, the load and accuracy level of transformers, etc.